How does UrbanWave work?
A home co-ownership program that helps people upcycle homes in well-loved neighbourhoods by providing cash for renovations.
When do I engage with UrbanWave?
You should ideally engage with UrbanWave when you're house hunting, as we need to sign the booking form together.
What is the property criteria to sign up with UrbanWave?
* Subsale Landed * ⁠More than 15 years old * ⁠Freehold * Below RM1.5m * ⁠Passed Nowcast (our A.I price checker)
Is UrbanWave considered a loan?
No, UrbanWave is not a loan. There's no repayment until you decide to sell your house, and we share the profits together.
Can I use my own contractor, interior designer, or architect?
Absolutely! You’re welcome to use any contractor, interior designer, or architect of your choice for your renovations. If you’re not sure where to start or need recommendations, we’re here to help with suggestions.